Monday, May 29, 2006


I just love them! Wether it's in fresh sushis or wether I enjoy it as guaccamole or in any mexican dishes, it's just so deliciously creamy with a nice buttery texture! Brazilians even add it to ice cream... well, that's something I'll have to try if I ever get there! North America's markets mainly offers the Hass variety (75%), which origine is from Guatemala. Fun facts: the avocado is also called an Alligator Pear because of its pear-like shape and green skin. But the name "avocado" is from the spanish word "aguacate", which is from aztec "ahuacatl", which means testicle... Maybe not so appealing at first, but read on, and you'll surely give it a try!
How do I know it's time to eat it? You'll know that the avocado is ready-to-eat when the fruit (yes, it's actually a fruit, but who cares!) will be firm yet will yield to gentle pressure.

How do I eat it? Cut the avocado lengthwise around the seed. Gently twist the halves to separate them. Use a spoon to take off the seed by sliding it under. Next step is my favorite, just dig in with a spoon or peel it and use it in your recipe.

Why should I eat it? Avocado could benefit anyone's diet. Even if it's the fruit with the highest fat content, it's important to know that it's really low in saturated fat (clogging-arteries fat). Rather, avocados are full of monounsaturated fat (heart-healthy fat). Furthermore, the Alligator Pear is loaded with various health-contributing nutrients such as fibers, folic acid, B6 vitamin, magnesium, potassium, vitamin C, as well as vitamin E. Enjoy!

For information and recipes, visit

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